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Think Tank

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.. اى جهاز والسلام بتشتغل علية ..

مساحة اللعبة : 9 ميجا تقريبا
باسورد فك الضغط: www.eibda3.com
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رابط اللعبة

الفيلم الخطير [ Horton Hears a Who 2008 ]

بٌَِـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّسٌِِّمً آللـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّهٍَ آلرٌٍحٍّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـّ ِِمًنْ آلرٌٍحٍّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـّ ِِـِِّيَمً

Horton Hears a Who 2008

الفيلم حصرى لعام 2008 ..وتم لصق لوجو ابداع + الترجمة على الفيلم
جودة الفيلم : DVD Rip ممتازة

حجم الفيلم : 310 ميجا

الفيلم مرفوع على سيرفر Up-Eibda3.Com برابط واحد مباشر يدعم استكمال التحميل

سكرين شوت

اعلان الفيلم
YouTube Video
ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

وكل عام وانت بخير بمناسبة العيد

رٌٍآبٌَِطُْ تُِِّْحٍّمًـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّـِِّيَل آلفْيَلمً


Visual C#.Net بالعربى صوت وصورة- اسطوانة تعليم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أسطوانة تعليم Visual C#.Net بالعربى صوت وصورة

الاسطوانى بتحتوى على مجموعه متميزه من الدروس التعليميه لتعليم الـ VC#.net

صورة من شرح الفيديو الموجود فى الاسطوانه

حجم الاسطوانه مضغوطه : 273 ميجا

بعد فك الضغط : 540 ميجا

باسورد فك الضغط : www.eibda3.com

تم الرفع على سيرفر up-eibda3.com


اخوكم عمرو

اختار من بين 500 ساعة للويندوز باشكال مختلفة-www.eibda3.com

برنامج ClocX تقدر تختار ما بين 500 شكل لساعة سطح المكتب

البرنامج سهل وبسيط

البرنامج مرفق معاه 150 ثيم للساعات
وطريقة وضعهم فى البرنامج سهله .كل ما عليك انك تفك ضغط الملف اللى فيه الثيمات للمجلد اللى فى المسار ده
C:\Program Files\ClocX\Presets

حجم البرنامج : 15 ميجا تقريبا
باسورد فك الضغط: www.eibda3.com
مرفوع على اكتر من سيرفر اختار براحتك

الروابط هنااااااااااااااااا

'' الفيلم الجديد "رحلة الى القمر Fly Me To The Moon movie download

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

مترجم Fly Me to the Moon

الفيلم من انتاج اغسطس عام 2008

للمزيد من المعلومات عن الفيلم

الفيلم مترجم للعربية

مدة الفيلم : 1:24 دقيقة (ساعة ونص تقريبا)

جودة الصورة : ممتازة

حجم الفيلم : 205 ميجا

الفيلم مرفوع على سيرفر up-eibda3 برابط واحد مباشر يدعم استكمال التحميل


اخوكم عمرو



الحياة-بعد-الناس-Life After People

بــــــــسم اللـــــــــه الرحــــــــمن الرحــــــــــيم

Life After People

The very notion is deliciously ghoulish: What happens to earth if--or when--people suddenly 
vanished? The History Channel presents a dramatic, fascinating what-if scenario, part science 
fiction and part true natural science. "Welcome to Earth, Population: 0" is the catchy tagline, Life 
After People's 94 minutes are so gripping you nearly forget while you watch that you, yourself, will 
be gone too. It turns out that earth can go along very nicely without us. The hardest part of the 
special is probably in the first 15 minutes, when pet owners confront what likely will happen to their 
dogs (thankfully, the show follows those dogs who break out of their houses, and the prognosis for 
them to survive as scavengers is good).

الفيلم من انتاج : History Channel
حجم الفيلم : 350 ميجا 
مدة الفليم : 1.28 ساعة ونصف
جودة الصورة : ممتازة DvD Rip
الفيلم مترجم للعربية 

سكرين شوت من الفيلم

لتحميل الفيلم برابط واحد مباشر من سيرفر ابداع 





Firewalls for Dummies Second Edition

Firewalls for Dummies, Second Edition 

Product Description
What an amazing world we live in! Almost anything you can imagine can be researched, compared, admired, studied, and in many cases, bought, with the click of a mouse. The Internet has changed our lives, putting a world of opportunity before us. Unfortunately, it has also put a world of opportunity into the hands of those whose motives are less than honorable. A firewall, a piece of software or hardware that erects a barrier between your computer and those who might like to invade it, is one solution.

If you’ve been using the Internet for any length of time, you’ve probably received some unsavory and unsolicited e-mail. If you run a business, you may be worried about the security of your data and your customers’ privacy. At home, you want to protect your personal information from identity thieves and other shady characters. Firewalls For Dummies® will give you the lowdown on firewalls, then guide you through choosing, installing, and configuring one for your personal or bus iness network.

Firewalls For Dummies® helps you understand what firewalls are, how they operate on different types of networks, what they can and can’t do, and how to pick a good one (it’s easier than identifying that perfect melon in the supermarket.) You’ll find out about

Developing security policies 
Establishing rules for simple protocols 
Detecting and responding to system intrusions 
Setting up firewalls for SOHO or personal use 
Creating demilitarized zones 
Using Windows or Linux as a firewall 
Configuring ZoneAlarm, BlackICE, and Norton personal firewalls 
Installing and using ISA server and FireWall-1 
With the handy tips and hints this book provides, you’ll find that firewalls are nothing to fear – that is, unless you’re a cyber-crook! You’ll soon be able to keep your data safer, protect your family’s privacy, and probably sleep better, too.



Security in Wireless Mesh Networks

Security in Wireless Mesh Networks

Product Description
Wireless mesh networks (WMN) encompass a new area of technology set to play an important role in the next generation wireless mobile networks. WMN is characterized by dynamic self-organization, self-configuration, and self-healing to enable flexible integration, quick deployment, easy maintenance, low costs, high scalability, and reliable services. To achieve these aims, security mechanisms are essential to ensure trusted on-going communications.
Security in Wireless Mesh Networks explores key security challenges set in diverse scenarios, as well as emerging standards that include authentication, access control and authorization, attacks, privacy and trust, encryption, key management, identity management, DoS attacks, intrusion detection and prevention, secure routing, and security policies. The book also examines security mechanisms in IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, and IEEE 802.20 standards. In addition, it provides numerous case studies and applications to facilitate understanding.

As a single, comprehensive guide to security-related issues in WMN, this book is an important resource to have if you are working on the design, selection, and implementation of wireless mesh networks and system components.



CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Study Guide

CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Study Guide
Posted by bandr under Certification Stuff, Network

CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Study Guide

Product Description
The Best Fully Integrated Study System Available for CCENT Exam 640-822 With hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Study Guide covers what you need to know–and shows you how to prepare–for this challenging exam. 100% complete coverage of all official objectives for exam 640-822
: Exam Readiness Checklist at the front and back of the book–you’re ready for the exam when all objectives on the list are checked off Inside the Exam sections in every chapter highlight key exam topics covered Simulated exam questions match the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam Covers all CCENT exam topics, including: OSI Reference Model TCP/IP Network Media and Devices Ethernet Standards Switching Routing · IP Addressing IP Address Subnetting IOS and Configuration Files CLI Cisco Switch and Router Configuration WANs and WLANs Applications, Security, and Troubleshooting CD-ROM includes: Practice test engine, powered by Boson, featuring: 100 practice exam questions; Detailed answers with explanations; Chapter quizzes and real exam environment simulations Score Report performance assessment tool Interactive network simulation software, powered by Boson with simulated lab exercises 15+ instructional video clips Electronic book for studying on the go.

About the Author

Matt Walker, CCNA, CCNP, MCSE, CEH, CNDA, CPTS, is the IA training instructor supervisor and a senior IA analyst at Dynetics, Inc. He served as the director of network training, curriculum lead, and senior instructor for the local Cisco Networking Academy on Ramstein Air Base, Germany.

Angela Walker, CISSP, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Security+, is a senior security analyst for Dynetics, Inc. She has developed and taught courseware worldwide for the U.S. Air Force.



Ultra-Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice

Ultra-Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice

Product Description
Finally a book on Wireless Sensor Networks that covers real world applications and contains practical advice!

Kuorilehto et al. have written the first practical guide to wireless sensor networks. The authors draw on their experience in the development and field-testing of autonomous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to offer a comprehensive reference on fundamentals, practical matters, limitations and solutions of this fast moving research area.

Ultra Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice:

Explains the essential problems and issues in real wireless sensor networks, and analyzes the most promising solutions. 
Provides a comprehensive guide to applications, functionality, protocols, and algorithms for WSNs. 
Offers practical experiences from new applications and their field-testing, including several deployed networks. 
Includes simulations and physical measurements for energy consumption, bit rate, latency, memory, and lifetime. 
Covers embedded resource-limited operating systems, middleware and application software. 
Ultra Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice will prove essential reading for Research Scientists, advanced students in Networking, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as well as Product Managers and Design Engineers.



Deploying Wireless Networks

Deploying Wireless Networks

Posted by bandr under Networks

Deploying Wireless Networks 
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (October 20, 2008)
Language: English



Wireless Communications And Networking

Wireless Communications And Networking

Wireless Communications And Networking

Product Description
This book provides comprehensive coverage of mobile data networking and mobile communications under a single cover for diverse audiences including managers, practicing engineers, and students who need to understand this industry. In the last two decades, many books have been written on the subject of wireless communications and networking. However, mobile data networking and mobile communications were not fully addressed in a unified fashion. This book fills that gap in the literature and is written to provide essentials of wireless communications and wireless networking, including Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), and Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN).






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برنامج Adobe PhotoShop Cs4 v.11بمساحة 60 ميجا فقط رابط مباشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Adobe PhotoShop Cs4 v.11

لمعرفة مميزت النسخه الجديدة

يرجى زيارة الرابط الاتى

@@@ H E R E @@@

النسخه محمولة ولا تحتاج لسيريال او كراك

مساحة البرنامج : 60 ميجا --- بعد فك الضغط : 290 ميجا

طريقة تسطيب البرنامج

1- اولا قم بفك الضغط عن البرنامج

2- بعد فك الضغط قم بتشغيل الملف

3- ستظهر للك شاشه مكتوب فيها Install Ps Cs4
اضغط عليها لبدء التسطيب

ثم اختار مكان فك الضغط

4 - ستظهر للك شاشة Dos سوداء .ستستغرق بعض الوقت لاكتمال فك الضغط .فاتركها ولا تغلقها حتى تنتهى من عملها

بعد الانتتهاء من الخطوة السابق يصبح البرنامج .جاهز للاستخدام

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