

Customizing videos in Blogger Tutorial 2

In article Add a Video in Blogger Post, we talked about uploading and embedding videos in your Blog.
And in Part 1 of video customization tutorial, we learned to resize the video, position it (align it) and add some captions to it.
In this article, we'll learn to make a PLAYLIST.


Ok, you already know how to add a youtube video into Blogger post. Now, we'll going to see how to make a playlist from the videos we choose.
First, create an account with Youtube.com.

Below, you can see my examples:

Player example 1Player example 2
...these are default Youtube players. As you can see, I've chosen a few videos I'd like to play on my Blog, and just embedded the player into the post. Options:
► yes, you can change the size of the player (read Part 1)
► when you update your playlist on Youtube, the one on your Blog is automatically updated

To create your playlist, you need to have an account. Rest is simple:
► browse (search) for the videos you like
► include the certain video in the playlist (click on the Playlist link under the video)
► when you've created your playlist, go to your Account
► on the list of options, click on Custom Video players
► customize your player, and select the playlist you'd like it to play..
► you can create different playlists, and choose different settings for each
Click on the picture to enlarge it:

How to place Youtube videos in Blogger Sidebar?
1. The easiest possible way - in your Blogger account, go to LAYOUT ► PAGE ELEMENTS ► "Add a Gadget" ► choose VIDEO BAR from the list
Here, you can choose what kind of videos you want to feature on your Blog. To choose your own Videos, just create and edit your channel in Youtube (Account ► Edit Channel)

2. Google wizard - similar to number 1., but more advanced. You have the option to place the playlist horizontally or vertically, and choose what channels or videos you'd like to show....
Copy the code provided, and place it in HTML/Java script gadget (or alternately into Post).

3. Also, you can place a third party Gadget/Widget to display Youtube videos. Advantage - different skins and options. Disadvantage - sometimes, they are buggy. Here are the links of some cool ones:
Youtube Videos Gadget
Youtube Videos Channel
Youtube Sidebar Widget

4. Old fashion way....Create HTML table, and place the embed codes into the column...choose width and height, borders, captions....
This may seem to be dull, but trust me, you can get great results....More about tables + videos in Part 3

5. You can also add RSS feed of some popular Youtube channels...Read more about it here.


This is a cool one, you have to admit....

I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com

Advantages ► design, customizable (autoplay, loop), cool
Disadvantages ► you can only make a playlist of music videos

If you're interested, here's how to:
► create your account with MyFlashFetish.com
► click on Video Playlist tab
► on the left, you can customize your player design, on the right make your playlist (click on Add to Playlist beside the video)
► choose if you'd like it to autoplay, name it, and Save (Get code)
► COPY the code from below (just click on Copy button) or click on Blogger icon. I preffer coping the code, and pasting it manually, but it's your choice...
!CAUTION! when you paste the code into post, and hit Publish, you'll may get an error....just check the box beside the "Stop showing title or body HTML errors for this post"...No worries, it will work.

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