

Remove Label Number Count in Blogger/Blogspot!

Everyone always want to make his/her blog look like professional. For this i am posting a simple trick which will help you. By default, the Labels will have an automatic count of the number of posts. You can remove those counts. To remove label counts in blogger, just follow the step by step instructions below.

Follow the simple steps >>

Step 1 : Backup your template first.
Step 2 : Login to your dashboard, go to Layout -> Edit HTML > Click Expand Widget templates
Step 3:
Search the following code
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>

Step 4: Scroll down until you find this code (<data:label.count/>) and delete it.

Step 5 : Save your template. DONE.

Question: Why i can't find <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> in my Edit Template HTML section?
Answer: You probably have not install Label widget in your Page Elements. You need install Label widget first before you can remove the Label number count.
To install Label widget, Go to Page Elements, Add a Gadget and add Labels (under basic tab) and click Save

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