

How to submit your Sitemap to Yahoo Site Explorer ?

We normally add our website sitemap to Google web master Tools so that it help Search engine bots to index our pages better . Many of us don't know that there is one such tool from another search engine giant , Yahoo i.e Yahoo Site Explorer . So , How to submit a website sitemap to Yahoo Site Explorer ?

  • Go to Yahoo Site Explorer and type your website URL in the Text box (First box in the picture ) and hit Explore URL .
  • If you see some results , your site has already been included , else you have to add it manually by entering your website URL in the My sites column (Second box in the figure ) .
  • If you are doing this after logging in Yahoo its ok or else Yahoo will prompt you to login .
  • Once you logged in , Click on your website link in the Mysites column
  • .
  • You will be taken to a summary page where your websites Authentication status , Homepage and number of feeds will be shown .
  • On the left side of this page , you can find a menu as shown in the figure. Click authentication in it .
  • Now you need to authenticate your URL by either uploading a file to your server or add a meta tag to your homepage .
  • Once you are done with it , Click on Ready to Authenticate . Your authentication status will be changed to pending . Yahoo will verify your website in 24 hours .
  • In the left side menu , you can see feeds option . Click on it and you can submit the feed of your blog in a text box which look like as shown in the figure .


  • Now wait for 2-3 days and you can see better results from Yahoo.

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