

Save your AOL Journal, Import & Convert to Blogger

In trouble economic times, number of web services are facing the axe. AOL will be closing ‘AOL Journals’ very soon. So, what happens to loads of journals written by so many passionate users?

Well, you can either let it die or give it new lease of life. AOL has partnered with Blogger (Google) to allows smooth transition of AOL Journals to Blogger blog. You can easily import your AOL Journal to Blogger including: posts, comments, photos and videos.

Blogger is of best free blogging platform that is getting better and better. AOL Journal users will feel at home while using blogger in an endeavour to continue their blogging journey.

Please note, If your AOL Journal is private, you’ll first need to make it public before it can be imported to Blogger. Don’t worry, you can make it private again after it’s been imported. Click here to start the import process and ‘Save your AOL Journal’. Google’s Blogger is there for help!

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